Basic Accounting for Small Business
Everything you need to know about the importance of accounting for business.
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Many entrepreneurs, successfully set up businesses, they might have excellent skills in setting up businesses, marketing, maintain customer relationships and winning over excellent customers. But if they are not experienced and knowledgeable enough with various accounting systems for the business, getting the business off the ground is doubtful. As a business owner you will be aware of your strengths and weaknesses, therefore getting help in your areas where you have the weakness is extremely useful to become successful but as far as the financial side of the business is concerned it will not be ideal for you to completely depend on others. It is vital for you to have some knowledge in different types of accounts, like cash flow, budgeting, credit control, stock control, cash register, sales and purchase books as these are the important part of finances of a small business. I agree that an entrepreneur should not try to do everything that might have a chance to push the business to the ground and also due to the lack of finance knowledge will do the same. At the same, if you get in-house help, freelancer's help or you outsource your work to an out sourcing company, things can go wrong if you do not know what to expect from these people who are helping you.
Your Instructor
I am a mother and employed as an accountant for many years and have sound knowledge of accounting and business advice. I think, suddenly got tired of looking at the figures all the time and wanted to do something else and chose to do internet marketing and I love what I am doing now.
I almost started with affiliate marketing in 2016 and progressed into other areas, working to achieve some success up to now. I have a passion for internet marketing actively marinating two blogs, and the other projects are, writing eBooks, online courses and some accounting work for few clients.
I have been teaching Mathematics when I was young enjoyed it, and was considered as a good teacher when I thought about it and wanted to go into teaching again, as a result have started creating these courses with the hope, that passing on my knowledge will help lots of people out there.
Frequently Asked Questions
Thank you for finish studying my course, I really hope that you would have enjoyed while studying it and will make the best use of the accounting guide lines that I have given in this course. In any case having some knowledge about accounting structure might become useful in any part of your life may be when you are going for employments.
By the way, I have the couple of free courses about setting up and managing your business which you will see that when you are going through this course in